Kick Start Art Introduction

Kick Start Art is an exciting new project for school-aged children in Crediton and surrounding villages, led by Linda Williamson. With a passion for teaching and over 30 years of experience in local schools, Linda aims to inspire children to embrace creativity. Each term, a fun and engaging art challenge will be introduced, encouraging children to explore techniques, learn about artists, and create something amazing—all while enjoying the process!

How does it work?

Each term, Linda will set an art challenge. The challenge will be for children to complete at home. She will share the challenge with all the schools who will present it to the children in assemblies or tutor group time. All this information will also be shared with parents through newsletters and social media. 

Spring Term Challenge 2024

‘My Favourite Place

Do you have a favourite place? Somewhere you feel safe or just love being there? This term, Linda would like you to create a piece of work inspired by your favourite place.

Please watch this video to learn more about the project:

The Bedroom by Van Gogh – Do you think that this was Van Gogh’s Favourite place?

Idea resource and reference material

Please click on this link to watch a video of Linda demonstrating different techniques that you could try to use in your artwork. Linda will also share some artist’s work who may have been inspired by a favourite place:

Please watch this video to learn more about the project:

Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies by Monet – do you think that Monet’s garden was his favourite place?

More ideas:

Here are a series of images and works of art that might give you some ideas of what you would like to do for your piece of art:

By Henri Rousseau

http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2006/rousseau/surprised.shtm#, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2040478

What do you need to do?

  1. Look at all the videos and images to get some ideas
  2. Create your own art work on paper that is no bigger than A4
  3. The closing date is:
  4. Remember that it has to be your own artwork
  5. When you have finished, take a photo of your artwork (no filters or editing please) or scan it and send it to Linda at this email address: kickstartart100@gmail.com
  6. In your email, please include your first name, the year group you are in and the name of your school
  7. Please keep your piece of artwork safe – if you are a winner we will want to exhibit and celebrate it!

How is it judged?

One child from each school will be selected to judge the entries alongside Linda. There will be 4 categories:

  • EYFS and KS1
  • KS2
  • KS3
  • KS4

What will they win and how will it be celebrated?

For each category there will be one winner and 2 runners up. Th winner will receive the unique and esteemed Kick Start Art Badge:

The runners up will receive a Kick Start Art silicone wrist band:

The winning artwork will be displayed in shared community spaces and local businesses, the local press, on our website and social media.